Monday 1 October 2012

What is a Thriller Re-Cap Quiz

21-28 Impressive. You are thinking around elements we have discussed in class and have clearly been studying around the topic and applying your knowledge rather than just remembering. I'm expecting a good Thriller from you.
Now comment on your blog:  

Self evaluation  

How many did you get?
-I got 27/28

Are you meeting the expectations of an A Level student by taking responsibility for your achievement/grades?
-Yes i think i am, I'm keeping with the school and homework, but i still think there is a lot more room for improvement is terms of organisation.
How much do you know - how effective has your note-taking in class? 
What was the activity that stood out that helped you remember (watching student work, making the se7en edit, studying own film examples, or the mind map)? 
-Overall everything has contributed to my knowledge of thriller films. So all the note taking and mind map gives me a background information, which are shown in examples in Thriller films, and it gives me a clear view of what is a Thriller. shooting helps me get a feel for a Thriller. 

How effective has your 3 hrs Independent Learning (H/W) been?
-I think the homework has been very effective in terms of studying what is thriller. especially watching a thriller, gives you more of a interest in Thrillers 

 How will you improve?
-Organization of my Homework and getting it done soon as possible.

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