Tuesday 9 October 2012

Fight Club: Spoiler Review

Fight club

Fight club makes sense at the start. Edward Norton plays a unnamed protagonist, an everyman , who is also discontented from his white-collar job. He suffers from Insomnia has trouble sleeping, he feeds the crave by buying expensive furniture and goes to cancer and other horrible diseases meetings.  He meet a unusual man called Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt, who sells soap for a living. The main character who we will call the the Narrator, goes back to his well organized and well bought apartment, which suddenly blows up as he arrives back from his business trip. The Narrator meets up with Tyler for a drink, after they get drunk they start having a fight, tyler tells the Narrator to hit him, they both find that they have a uncontrollable crave for violence, Fight Club is born. The Club gets bigger and bigger, when it finally reaches to a point where it's members, including Tyler and the Narrator, can perform destructive acts of sabotage and mayhem. After The Narrator becomes weak after a car crash, Tyler informs him that his dream is to have mankind start all over again, from point zero.
When the Narrator wakes up, Tyler is gone, and only a pack of flight tickets with his name on have a clue on his current location. The Narrator goes through America, hoping to find Tyler, but it seems that everybody's confusing between the Narrator and Tyler Durden. While in his Motel, The Narrator call Tyler's girlfriend, Marla Singer but she hangs up on him, saying that he, and not Tyler, left her. When the Narrator hangs up the phone, he looks around and sees Tyler sitting in front of him. Why does everybody confuse between us? he asks him, to which Tyler response: "Why do you think anybody would confuse between us both?". The Narrator freezes - he suddenly realizes the horrific Truth. Tyler Durden and him are actually the same Person. 
Tyler is a split personality of the Narrator. When realizing that, Tyler informs him of his plan: to blow up all the credit card buildings, and by that having the mankind to start all over again. The Narrator is determined to stop it. He informs Marla to leave before bursting into one of the buildings and disarming the bomb in its bottom. Tyler is disappointed. He fights the Narrator , pulls out a gun and carries him to the top of the building, from which he can see the Mayhem. However, since they are the same person, The Narrator realizes that the gun is in his hand. In order to destroy Tyler, he shoots himself in the Jaw Tyler disappears, but mergers with the Narrator. Marla and the Narrator stand and watch the destructive power of the crazy anarchist Tyler Durden has created.

This is a Thriller because the audience is restricted, we only know what the Narrator knows that Tyler is a crazy man. Also the Setting is in a unknown city, its dark and corrupt with Tyler Durden and project Mayhem pointing it back to the stone age. Also the Narrator suffers from insomnia has troubling sleeping, has special an also weird craving to fulfill his need. My opinion of the film is that it is a successful Thriller, and it definitely keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Rating: 4.8/5

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