Wednesday 17 October 2012

Thriller Spoiler Review: Limitless


The opening scene of Limitless is of the main character Eddie Morra of the edge the balcony of his expensive penthouse. With Russian thugs lead by the less intellectual Gennady, are trying to knock down his door, the Enigma Code question is how he got there? and What is he going to do?
Eddie Morra is the main character who is a unemployed writer, which definitely seems more talk than action. After many failures, Eddie girlfriend breaks up and she is succeeding in the Editing business. As he is walking down the busy and fast pace city of New York, Eddie bumps into to his ex-brother in law after they go for a drink, Vernon offers him a drug that goes by the name NZT-48. This new drug lets you access and use 100% of your brain capacity. Eddie takes the drug but feels nothing, by the time he gets to his flat the drug starts to kick in. Just in time for when his Landlady bombards him with questions about rent. The drug allow Eddie too see with clarity and confidence which allows him to have a degree in law and gets him straight into the Landlady bed. As he gets home he detects mess and cleans it up, writes the book in a night, in a matter of hours the publisher loves it after 40 pages.
The day after the drug wears off a Eddie is left clueless and is in a situation were he has discovered something that might change his life. He visits Vernon for more, but realized he has no money. As Vernon sends him on some errands, but Eddie comes back to Vernon killed. Eddie calls the police and  hunts for the drugs, he finds the stash, and is interview shortly but is released. After he takes the pill, Eddie becomes a new person by getting and new suits and going to clubs and parties a making new friends. Soon after these last couple of days he realizes he needs to do more with his brain. The Stock Market. By upping his in take to two pills a day Eddie finds a glitch and cracks the the Market using Mathematics and algorithms. This gets him recognize by Karl Van Loon and owner of business that invests in Energy. As Eddie is getting settled in he starting to get headaches, days passing in minutes not knowing what he has done. He meets his old wife, and she used to take NZT-48 but managed to get off the stuff, however the side effect was that it left her dumber with a lower IQ and couldn't concentrate for more than ten minutes. After taking less and less of the drug, Eddie got better on the way but he had some close misses.

As Eddie got back on his feet, he invested in a lab to making more of the drugs in six months for two million. Eddie got paranoid starting investing in bodyguards, millions on a impregnable penthouse. The Russian thug Gennady took one of Eddie's NZT-48 tablets, has he realize the rush and the clarity of things, Gennady wanted more. But Eddie couldn't supply himself and Gennady. Also after getting he tablets stolen from his jacket Eddie was getting needy!
As it comes back to the opening of Eddie on the edge of balcony, he remembers that he left on tablet in the pot. As Gennady and his thugs are slowly opening the reinforced door, Eddie was rushing too find the tablet and drops it into the drain. As Gennady has him sitting on the chair defenseless and injects the dissolved NZT-48 into his bloodstream, Eddie is waiting with a knife behind his back. Eddie stabs Gennady in the stomach, and as they are both laying on the floor, one dead and the other near it. Eddie takes one last gamble and drinks Gennady blood full of the NZT-48. As a miracle it works, and Eddie manages to kill the other to thugs then it blacks-out.
12 Months Later...
Eddie Morra is a successful Senator running for President. He finds the bugs in the NZT-48, and takes it out so the drugs didn't have the side effects. Eddie Morra beats death.

Limitless i think is a lot of sub genres, it include Psychological how Eddie sees through the drug and what affect it has on him. But also its a Crime Thriller, including murder and Crime which the main character is both involve in. The location is in New York, a fast moving City. Its Restricted and Non-Linear we only know what Eddie Morra does, which helps keep full of suspense and tension, and there is no clear story structure it starts in a flashback.

My opinion of the film was that is was brilliant. It makes you really think about what it be like if you took the NZT-48, it keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Its probably one of my best films!
Rating 4.9/5 Stars

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