Friday 1 February 2013

Individual Edit- Amnesia

This is my Individual Edit, overall i think it went really well with a few minor problems. On the day we film the brainwashing scene, and it went really well however there were a couple of shots were the lighting could of been improved. When it came to putting it together on final cut pro and colour grading i was confident with my skills on the piece of software, the main difficulties was to tackle problem of colour grading. As the brainwashing scene i felt was too dark to use colour grading effectively, however when it comes getting back into a group well be able to make it look a lot better, because we will have more ideas.

Comparing it to other AS level media opening scenes to compare to the level 4, we could have a lot of improvement. A the level 4 opening has a good crisp picture throughout, this gave them a lot to play with when putting the titles in. We didn't think about the titles as much as we should off when it came to filming the scenes.

1 comment:

  1. Individual edit B1
    Highly proficient editing to tell the story and an honest evaluation. Difficult to see where you will place integrated titles, you may have to rely on text placed over the black. Overall pretty tight, could do with loosing some of the driving and the steering wheel duration. Be careful though regular continuity breaks that will need to be fixed. Be more brutal in your decisions of what to cut - not every shot you film is required even though you may love that shot. Loose the second-to-last shot. Very good effort!

