Monday 10 September 2012

Thriller Films

The three thriller films that i chose were the Da Vinci Code directed by Ron Howard, based on the book written by Dan Brown. The second one that i chose was Limitless directed by Neil Burger. Thirdly i chose Unknown directed by Jaurne Collet-Seera.

The film The Da Vinci Code, is about a dective called Robert Langdon who is played by Tom Hanks. Mr Langdon is a professor of symbology at Harvard university, he is a prime suspect of a horrible murder of Jacques Sauniere, he escaped the police by the help of Sophie Neveu the police cryptologist. They start on a quest for the holy grail, as they are being chase down by a french dective Fache. As they learn that the grail has a massive clue in Leonardo Da Vinci painting of the Last Supper. As the clues build up the professor finds out a covered up by the Catholic church, that could certainly destroy Christianity.
The opening scene consists Jacques Sauniere the grand master of the legendary priory of Sion, and a mysterious man named Silas, who murders Jacques Sauniere barbarically. This opening scene leaves the audience is a state of confusion, and not knowing what is going on. The setting of the opening scene was in the famous French art gallery the Louvre, the time is set at the night, this makes the opening scene horrible, dark and gloomy which really helps the scene with murder. The scene ends with the grand master being and straightway away turn to Dr Robert Langdon lecturing to university students at Harvard. Then turns back to Jacques Sauniere getting up and doing things that are not quite clear to the audience.
The opening scene is very dark and mysterious, which leaves the audience on the edge of their seats.

My second film was limitless. The film starts of with the main character Eddie Morre standing on the roof of a penthouse with people trying to knock down his room, as he prepares to jump of the roof. This is the end of the played at the start of film. The opening scene is very good for a thriller just like The Da Vinci Code, it leaves the audience on the edge of their seats. Before this happens there is a title scene. The title has excellent camera and it makes you see through the eyes of the users of the drug NZT-38 which lets you use 100% of your brain.
The setting of the opening, is on a penthouse on a tall building which has a city as its background. It is a perfect ending scene, but still works really well as a opening scene. It lets the audience what he gets into, but doesn't say how he gets there. So it gives the audience a thrill to watch and see how he gets there. The flashbacks creates mystery and keeps the audience involve in the film.

Unknown is a psychological thriller starring Liam Neeson who plays the main character Dr Martin Harris. Dr Harris is on his way to a summit in Berlin with his wife. As he leaves his briefcase in the airport he takes a cab back by a driver called Gina. As the cab crashes of the side the bridge Dr Harris is knock unconscious, but Gina pulls him from the cab, but she has to flea the scene because she is a illegal immigrant. Dr Harris regain consciousness in the hospital, only to find out that someone has taken his identify. After retrieving his briefcase he finds out that he was a assassin sent to kill someone at the summit.
The opening scene is very fast pace, moving through a busy city as he is already late to the Berlin summit. But as the cab crashes everything in this big city seems to slow down in the eyes of Liam Neeson. This effect works very well as it lets the scene sink into the audience as they try to figure out whats going to happen next.

The question i ask myself is "What makes these films a Thriller?". My answer is that each film has an opening scene that either sets the plot or gives the Enigma Code. Then there are certain points in the film that gives clues and keeps the audience involve. The setting of the films are fast pace cities with Detectives and Crime. What makes a Thriller a Thriller is the twist at the end all three give a worthy wait to reveal the Twist.

1 comment:

  1. To bring this up to a L4 from a L3, add the trailers of each film :) otherwise really detailed, it's good!
